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in the past

It's just Panel de Pon but with a Pokemon skin over it, but Panel de Pon is fun so I'll take it I guess.

...this can't be a tie-in, right? It's a Pokémon videogame. But it's based on the anime. Oh no...

Anyways the game is very good and so much fun. With friends it's a blast.

I have this, didn't play it too much. Pretty standard puzzle game.

I actually think I enjoy this more as an adult than I did as kid. I’ve been going back and playing some games from my childhood that I didnt really give a chance and before I knew it I sunk three hours into this game and still wanted to play more.

I have a friend who wants me to play Pokémon, so I just keep playing spin-offs instead of actual titles. So, yeah.

Possibly my most played game of all time. Despite just being a Pokemon reskin of Tetris Attack, I have a borderline irrational love for this game. I played it so much that I was reliably beating the CPU on the hardest difficulty and would annihilate my friends whenever we played together. Also has some great re-arranges of classic pokemon tracks. Only bad thing I can say is I wish multiplayer went up to 4 people.

fun game with simple controls and a simple objective, even better when versus your friends

If you're out to own every Pokémon game, then you must buy this. If you're out to buy every N64 puzzle game, then you must buy this. I do like that it's based on the anime, but it's not really necessary to play it unless you're absolutely trying to catch 'em all.

so like. this is actually just like kirby's avalanche and dr. robotnik's mean bean machine huh??? a reskin of another puzzle game. and it's based like specifically on the dubbed pokemon anime. that is so interesting.

fine enough version of panel de pon with an early anipoke skin on it, good level of content but sometimes annoying

It's really weird how Pokemon took over Panel de Pon with like next to no hesitation. Like it's pretty obvious that Nintendo did not realize how big pokemon got, and knew they had to make more games for it, so they just repurposed Panel de Pon again. I don't know if the series is just super unlucky or cursed, but it's weird that it keeps happening.

What's worse is we didn't even get a good pokemon game either. Like the animation that was shown was repurposed from the show, and next to nothing exciting happens through out the rest of the game. It does try to create a lot of scenarios from all the reused assets, but unless you have a high suspension of disbelieve you can't really enjoy it. Cutscenes are often too vague or feel like the syncing is off, a lot of the characters talk with little or no mouth movement, and all the characters and background are rather static cutouts of reused assets. Like there is something to be said about the slap job reskin of this game, but that's appraisal for it's workers rather than the game itself.

Thankfully, Pokemon Puzzle League is still a proper puzzler. Panel de Pon mechanics still work the same, there is still plenty of other modes to work with, and it even supports 4 player battles. They also have a new 3D version of the game where you navigate a tube like board, but it's basically just Panel de Pon with more blocks when it comes down to it. Really, the rather rushed paint job of Pokemon on this game still didn't stop it from shining, but I would certainly put that on Panel de Pon's addictive gameplay rather than the branding itself. While I'm sure plenty came for the Pokemon, gamers stayed for the Panel de Pon.


Panel de Pon aka Tetris Attack is really fun and so is PPL. There really isn't much to it beyond that. It's a fun Puzzle game now with a Pokemon anime skin circa 2000. If that's your thing you'll love it. The voicelines will be etched into my memory until I die. Whether it be anything Tracy says ever, Lt.Surge screaming "Aw, Poor Baby", Blaine's gravelly voice saying "When you're hot, you're hot". The game has iconic lines all over it.

“stop calling me a baby Surge!” i, a grown woman, yell at my tv as i play a quarter century-old game intended for second graders

The second best re-skin of Panel de Pon that the western world ever got. It was topped by Planet Puzzle League for the Nintendo DS only because that game had online play with randoms (rip). Pokemon Puzzle League takes the gameplay previously seen in the Super Nintendo's Tetris Attack, removes the Yoshi aesthetic and replaces it with a Pokemon theme. How much you enjoy the change will depend on your love for Gen 1 & 2 of Pokemon and the early seasons of the anime. But the meaty puzzle gameplay is what keeps me coming back. It could be themed after Bubsy and I'd still enjoy it.

The puzzle-sliding-chain-combo gameplay is perfect here, and there is a LOT of single player content. This Panel de Pon/Puzzle League installment also features a 3D mode where you are given an cylindrical tube to play on instead of the normal flat screen. A fun game that I have a lot of nostalgia for. However, Pokemon Puzzle League failed to innovate from Tetris Attack imo. There is no 4 player mode despite being on a system with 4 controller ports built in. This would be introduced in the next console installment, but only in Japan. I'd love to see this series resurrected, with any or no theme at all. I think it would be perfect for Nintendo's "99" series of online multiplayer titles. It's currently available on Nintendo Switch Online, with online friend multiplayer!

Looks and plays like a low budget trash heap

I know I said Pokemon Stadium was the best pokemon game but I forgot Pokemon Puzzle League exists, forgive me

I adore this game and y'know the thing about it that I think gets me more with time is the fact that it's super nostalgic. Like, the OST is mostly remixed tracks from the show and 2BA Master, and the whole game at times feels like cheap licensed cash-in.

But it's fun. The game is fun, the characters having little blurbs is fun, the references to the show is fun, the fact that there's actually like a ton of content is fun. It's just a good time.