Reviews from

in the past

Fairly decent gameplay with some of the worst pacing and dialogue I’ve seen in a game in a while

I don’t have a huge connection to this series but I played one of them on PS2 when I was quite young. It might’ve been the original but I don’t remember now. Playing this now some 15~ years later, eh it’s okay. It feels like a PS2 game, fun for a time but really becomes a slog. Getting to the last area and having to do another planet just to come back was so annoying. The combat wasn’t challenging enough by the end and took so long. I just don’t think I’m much a Ratchet fan.

I thought this game was decent, but I'm glad to hear from most people that this is actually one of the weaker games in this series. Because if this was one of the best I wouldn't be super excited to play the others some day.

it isn't bad if you separate it from the original which is dumb cause its supposed to be a remake. from a gameplay standpoint its pretty good, nothing groundbreaking but its fine.

The game isnt perfect, but maybe it nostalgia, idk, but overall i really enjoyed the game, so much so imma beat it again on challenge mode(edit: I beat it on challange mode, this game is peak)

The gameplay is fun and the graphics are nice... That's about it.

Não esperava nada e foi uma grata surpresa.

weird movie integration, only good when theirs lots of enemy’s, which is very fun


A great looking new intepretation of the original Game.

Played it few years ago, will not rate as I dont quite remember it properly, but I remember it being just ok.

This was written back in 2016 for a GOTY list...

After a host of gimmicky spin-offs and budget titles revolving around co-op and RTS elements, this return to a more traditional style R&C game is a welcome one, and sees the intergalactic duo back on form, if not exactly troubling high-water mark of the series A Crack in Time for the top spot. The focus is back on third-person shooting, and using a wide array of outlandish weapons to fend off numerous baddies in amusingly inventive ways is a constant form of entertainment. Throw in some dazzling graphics for good measure and I look forward to a sequel that next time around doesn't have its story tethered to an awful movie tie-in.

I forced myself to like it the first time, and after 4 years I finish the game and I have to said. It wasn't that bad being an Ratchet & Clank game. I did like it after all.

To be honest, after 5 years I first played this game, I don't like game at all, mostly due to it being glitchy and some characters being annoying, but this game looks stunning to me, so that's something for sure!

eu, a maior preguiçosa que o mundo já viu, que demora 5 dias pra zerar jogo que tem 2 horas de duração SIMPLESMENTE zerei esse aqui em um único dia
ou seja, foda

Never played the originals but it sure was fun. Iconic duo with some unique worlds, bosses and weapons, which were easily the best part of the game. Constantly swapping between the dozens of weird ways to kill enemies made for a fun playthrough, but I'm not sure it would hold up for a replay.

It's def a spot you shouldn't start at for the series. As it's a retelling of the first game, but based on a movie version of that retelling from Qwark eyes. I def plan to return to the original games after I finish Rift Apart.

eh, it's ratchet and clank, the story format is a bit odd in my opinion and you probably shouldn't start off with this one but it's not bad per se

R & C 1 but all the soul sucked out of it and filled with safe, childish tropes

Eu vinha de uma sequência de jogos de mundo aberto gigantescos, e esse jogo aqui me ajudou a não saturar de jogar videogame. Muito bom. Acho que se estendeu um pouco além da conta, mas definitivamente, muito bom pra passar o tempo e relaxar

Foi o primeiro jogo da franquia que joguei e me mostrou como ela parece ser muito boa, gráficos bonitos, gameplay gostosinha e exploração muito boa, um bom jogo.

I have adored the Ratchet and Clank franchise and Insomniac Games ever since the their ps2 days and it broke my heart to see how incredibly wrong this remake gets everything they ever stood for.

Ratchet and Clank 2016 is not a bad game despite the score I give. Moreover I'd say it plays amazing, it looks amazing most of the time and it can act as a gateway for fans to discover the older, even more amazing games.
The problem with Ratchet and Clank 2016 is that it remakes probably the most intelligent and nuanced game of the series, the 2002 original with non of the wit but 2000 times the cringe.
In the original game the titular characters had ... well characters and they had to learn to work together while navigating an aggressively capitalistic and satirical galaxy, where everyone is looking for an angle to make some money out of even a ship crash.
While the remake's gameplay has been polished to near perfection, unfortunately the story edges that made the franchise so unique have been sanded down as well. In it's place one can discover only a 4th rate Disney movie that never delivers on the dynamic duo's relationship, nor does it challenges them in any meaningful way.

An entirely serviceable action platformer with a story that almost makes me nostalgic for just how blatant and awkward it is trying to match the beats of its tie-in movie, even if the story holds no substance.

• Minha porta de entrada para a franquia Ratchet & Clank. É um jogo muito lindo e muito divertido.
↳ A gameplay é muito fluída e a variedade de armas acrescenta bastante o fator replay, especialmente se você quiser upar todas no New Game + (ou modo desafio).
• Meio aleatório mas eu me diverti muito com as corridas de Hoverboard. O jogo te dá muita liberdade nas pistas, então é muito legal ficar tentando descobrir rotas novas e otimizadas para vencer os desafios.

Overhated, definitely watered down and rushed compared to other titles, but a meh ratchet and clank game is still a very good game

I think the original's story is better, but the gameplay is much more fun in this remake. You can actually level up your guns, and some of the planets are changed to be less frustrating.

It's not the definivite version of the first game or anything, but it's a good enough time.