Reviews from

in the past

It's okay. Probably better than the genesis sonic 1 tho

Really cool sonic game, the game controls amazingly and great ost as usual. The game is pretty difficult though.
Kinda prefer this over the mega drive version.

He looks so nefarious on the game cover.

Honestly, I really dig 8-bit Sonic. It's definitely way more traditional against the trail-blazing genesis version, but I think something like this works way more for these 8-bit consoles.

I really enjoyed exploring to look for the emeralds. While I might have preferred a good special stage to find them, I enjoyed learning where they all were.

I wish certain levels actually gave you rings. I think bosses not giving you rings is the biggest flaw this game has, because you have to do it all in one shot. I ended up losing a lot of lives getting used to the bosses since I've never gone through the entirety of the Master System version before (I mainly played the Game Gear edition). I especially lost a lot of lives on Sky Base 2. Truly awful level.

The game definitely pales in comparison to its genesis version, and a lot of the blemishes here are revealed through comparison. I think they are pretty close to equals in terms of quality, but the genesis version is still clearly better.


The first time I’ve played this version of Sonic the Hedgehog, and it really isn’t that bad. It plays faster than I was expecting for a simplified port. The smaller view isn’t ideal, and rings don’t seem as important as long as you have one. The special stages are cool but don’t serve much point, while emeralds are hidden in the levels.

This isn’t just a port of the original 16-bit version, though, it has different level design and some completely different stages (although with fairly dull names like Bridge and Jungle). They’re not as complex in terms of loops, although Scrap Brain Zone is a bit of a maze. Music is very cheery and is done well on the 8-bit platform, although Scrap Brain Zone just sounds a bit off.

I thought it was an entertaining game, even if it’s nothing special. It’s an interesting look at an alternate take of the original Sonic, and I think it’s worth playing at least once.

Not as bad as I was expecting, the game itself is pretty easy and simple, with the only hard part being the slowdown killing me more than any enemies. Also auto-scrolling in a Sonic game is a weird idea to implement in a game about speed, but since Sonic would go off-screen if you go too fast it makes sense.

The physics are odd if you're used to the MegaDrive games but the 8-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog is surprisingly good. The more platforming focused levels made for the weaker hardware are surprisingly fun and the game while more challenging than it's 16-bit counterpart has a mostly steady difficulty curve. That said the water physics in Labyrinth Zone feel pretty bad and really hurt the game for a few levels, and putting an autoscroller in a Sonic game for Bridge Zone Act 2 was a crime. The 8-bit soundtrack is fun and bouncy.

Tenho um carinho imenso por esse jogo porquê foi ele que me apresentou essa franquia que tanto amo.

Cool they managed to make a sonic game on the mega drive but there is no point in playing this unless your interested

The Master System version of this game isn't nearly as bad as it could've been. This was my very first Sonic game, I was about 4 years old at the time. It could have been simply an 8-bit version of the original, but it's actually its own game, with different levels and gameplay. It even has multiple endings!

Compared to the Genesis game, this is a little slower, which is kinda funny for "Sonic", and the level design is entirely different to fit this change. Yet despite how simple it is, I feel like it's a great 8-bit platformer in general. If this released on the NES/Famicom (And earlier than 1991), it could've been a big hit.

Feels weird to praise this so much and not give it a higher score, but it's because I still have to account for the fact that this is a much inferior version of the original. They did what they could with the tools they had, but it's still a simple game, that while good for an 8-bit platformer, is still not comparable in quality to the likes of Super Mario Bros. 3 and others.

SCORE: 6.5/10

I'd rather play this than Sonic 1 16-bit by the sole fact that it doesn't contain marble zone, which, for whatever reason, lives at the top of the hierarchy in the section of my mind pertaining to all things 2D Sonic.

This is a very fascinating demake. It plays much more like a traditional 2D platformer compared to its Genesis counterpart, and honestly has the better level design of the two. The game is definitely nothing remarkable or incredible but I really was impressed by how different yet strangely enjoyable it was. One of the most interesting titles on the Master System library.

Para mi se mantiene disfrutable, pretendo pasarme algunos memorables de la saga porque tengo mono de Sonic jaja. Nunca me lo pasé originalmente aunque jugué bastante, nunca es tarde.

Why do they never rerelease the master system version?

Watered down Sonic 1 that runs like crap on the Game Gear. Some neat ideas, but hardware limitations are stopped it from being a good game.

At first I thought it was an 8-bit port of the first game, but I was completely wrong
There was some bad ideas thrown in there, like an auto-scroller level (the idea itself isn't that bad, the problem is that it is on a Sonic game), but it still had some good ones like special stages being just bonus and to get the emeralds you search the stage
I don't get exactly the debate of which Sonic 1 is better, but I can confirm that neither one is bad


anyone who says this version is better than the "real" sonic 1 is tripping hard. constant slowdown, really poor collision detection, auto-scrollers, you really have everything that makes a frustrating and bad platformer here. why they decided to bring back labyrinth zone as one of the 3 returning zones from the genesis game is anyone's guess

Cool game, love the little environmental story going on in level progression.
I remember finishing this as a kid feeling monumental. It’s still cool to finish now.

El juego no es muy entretenido, realmente lo único bueno es que las esmeraldas se encuetran por el mapa. Pero realmente es malo hasta en rendimiento
Extra: La versión que jugué es la de Sonic Origins Plus. La cual está en HD.
Juego al 100%.

Achei que era a versão principal, mas como joguei essa também, coloquei.

I like this one more than its 16-bit brother. Really fun game

better than the 16 bit one, I don't care

frustrating as fuck but damn i probably come back 2 it the most

I like this version slightly more than the original real Sonic 1 tbh.

For many years I actually thought that Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System was the same as the Mega Drive version only with 8-bit visuals. Not only is it a completely different game but it actually came out almost 6 months after the Mega Drive original.

There are some similarities, the opening stage is a version of Green Hill Zone (Complete with a nifty version of the level music) as are two others leaving 50% completely original locations. The general gameplay and structure of the game is also the same with several levels per each of the 6 zones followed by a fight with Robotnik and freeing the animals he captured as was the original game's premise.

The rest of the zones contained are different for both better and worse:

Zone 1 - Green hill - I like this zone, it's an easy going classic, there are reasons it or variations of it are normally starting zones
Zone 2 - Bridge - this is weirdly for a sonic game an auto scrolling zone. It kind of works though as this is a much slower paced platformer like it's Mega Drive counter part
Zone 3 - Jungle Zone - I have issues with this one listed below
Zone 4 - Labyrinth Zone - Another similar level from it's big brother, I like the underwater Sonic levels though I know I'm a minority there
Zone 5 - Scrap Brain Zone - So much better than it's big brothers version again, easier and less frustrating
Zone 6 - Sky Base Zone - I liked this level, had a great atmosphere

Of all the zones the only one I wasn't keen on was the Jungle zone. there is a section that's a bit tricky where you climb up a waterfall jumping on ledges and rocks. once the screen goes past a platform though it locks meaning if you try to jump back to it you instantly die even if it's a millimetre which is just kind of stupid. Other minor gameplay annoyances including how the rings work as the amount only matters for gaining extra lives. If sonic takes a hit he loses them all with one visible ring dropping you can't collect so essentially you only have the one hit to take regardless. The boss levels you don't have any rings at all though I kind of liked that as you had to learn the pattern and play skilfully. The bosses themselves aren't brutally hard though, especially to a seasoned Sonic player. Interestingly when you collect a bubble shield from a TV though it does transfer between levels so you can head into a boss with one as a possibility, I liked that.

There are Special Zones accessed through non boss stages when finishing with more than fifty rings as the only other use for them. This gives you the chance to get extra lives or continues by bouncing on springs to the end of the level in a time limit. There are no chaos emeralds here though, for a bit of a change they are actually hidden in the main levels requiring good jump control, using invincibility boxes to reach in spikes etc.

The game handles really well, the jumps and animations feel like a Sonic game should. The visuals and art design are the level of coloured and varied as I would expect, though the tiny enemy models are hilariously cute. The backgrounds are pretty static but Sonic's character model and animations are really well done. Interestingly this is actually the first game made by Ancient, the company formed by legendary composer Yuzo Koshiro. It was initially created to make this game specifically and it's Game Gear counter part before going on to later fame making Streets of rage and Beyond Oasis.

Overall I had a good time with this and the thing is I didn't expect to. It looks really nice for an 8-bit game, has a banger OST and plays well with some neat little ideas. Not everything works but overall it's a good little game.

+ Nice visuals and music.
+ Zones are fun and varied.
+ No ring bosses and emeralds on stages are different.

- Jungle Zone instant death isn't very well designed.
- Losing rings all at once is kind of lame.