"Put my head through"

i can't even explain why i've always loved this game, along with every single other of Kona5's projects (akemi-tan is well loved between my brother and i). this is an extremely barebones rpgmaker atmospheric horror title that can be completed in one sitting blind, yet i come back every year or so to play it again. why? somewhat spoilers ahead, but this game is 10 minutes long so i didn't feel it appropriate to mark it with a proper warning.

from the first time the player gains control as Youko, amputating murderer, i'm instantly captured in the surreal bgm, cushioning the blow of the casual slaughter which lines the halls of the correctional facility we find ourselves in; streaks of blood marking the walls and floor, bisected naked bodies miraculously standing at full attention, loose limbs strewn about the place. appropriately distanced from the bloodshed, we descend by ladder below the once-pristine prison into a black lodge-esque handful of rooms, showcasing the depths of its dreamscapes.

a pair of mannequin women of two-tone colour flank a decapitated head presented on a plate. a typical sliding plate puzzle depicting a young girl mischievously grinning, the shell of a half watermelon dripping evocative crimson down her face. a large bust of a half-scarred or burned woman (presumably Youko, bearing her resemblence) tears at the flesh on her face, mouth open baring her teeth in a scream, or laughter.

Upon finding a "samurai sword" within a room of entrancing percussion, Youko sets about her final work in this life. thankfully, her acquiescent fellow inmates are more than willing to lend a hand.

i am absolutely captivated by a game with music that doesn't even loop correctly, and i still can't explain to you why. this is a mere attempt at the feat, and to externalise my views and thoughts on the imagery therein after so many playthroughs. that a title this short and with such little to do is so open to interpretation i think is something to be praised. give it a try, it won't take you long.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
