definitely not horrible, i just can't see myself getting the rest of the endings (A and B) after such a long break and thought i'd reflect on and compose some words about this title. slight spoilers below, but nothing that couldn't be derived from a glimpse at official character bios.

the characterisation over time of Daichi and Seiji as both friends and intimate partners is surprisingly tangible for a nukige, their contrasting upbringings despite being so close are retroactively touched on in organic ways which only deepen a reader's understanding of the pair. i admit i feel emotionally involving the reader is more prevalent in BL nukige releases, but the natural flow of thought expressed through throwaway recollection and evocative descriptions of past events immediately likened me to Daichi's life experiences as i truly empathised with him; being passively reminded of something awful and discarding the thought. he chases love liberally and receives little in return, and this reflects in the choices assigned to him within the titular room as well as his own eagerness to be wounded. the question proposed to the reader of physical vs mental (seen and "unseen") wounds continues to be compelling, throwing in Daichi's past traumas with enduring abuse himself with Seiji's seemingly idyllic life clashing in literal intimacy.

at a glimpse and after seeing the title float around for a number of years prior to reading, i had a different preconception to how the choices would work. something more strategic could prove as inspiration for a future project, rationing experiences between a pair so no one person is suffering too much torment; i once again expect a bit too much from a porn game. on that subject, i have to applaud Rn9 for featuring some of the most disconcerting but not exactly sexless h-scenes in a nukige (that i've read), they strike a fine balance between Nikaidou's gorgeous textured rendering with the most dismal backdrop; Okinawa's fake sunlight and stars accompany the languid hum of an air conditioning unit and artificial glow of the television.

again, not horrible, just something i fell off of. i recommend it to fans of utsuge or the like, nothing gets too extreme for your typical eroge reader either.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023


9 months ago

if you want it to appear on your feed you can just mark as unplayed and then mark as abandoned again, it should go to the top fo your activity feed

9 months ago

@LordDarias it didnt ;_; i tried several times because it was a trick i'd heard around the block... thank you though, maybe itll work next time <33