When I was in elementary school, we had a day where students with enough "good noodle stars" (they were actually tickets, but whatever) were allowed to pick an activity they wanted to do. The sportsy ones chose to have their day outside, but all the 'cool kids' (or at least, whatever 13-year-old me thought constituted being a 'cool kid') chose the gaming activity - moving to the art classroom to play on their DSes, trading Pokemon, the works.

I usually just played Ocarina of Time 3D alone while talking to my friends, but my favorite memory of these times - and Pictochat in general - stims from some kid trying to help someone with a math assignment through it and almost getting the entire thing canceled because their fat fingers made them type "ass" instead of "add" and their so-called friend immediately snitched on them.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
