Everyone has noted that the webswinging is the real selling point here, though endemic to AAA, there's a sense that you can do some incredibly cool swinging but it never feels like you've earned that coolness. The swinging mechanics won't let you faceplant into a building or fall flat on your face, you always recover and always land on your feet which makes stringing spidey through some buildings like a needle through thread, not as satisfying.

The combat is barely there and the story is fine (though I would like to say that they put some real effort into character writing here and I really liked this version of Spidey) and it's got all the trinket/sidequest/mini-game malarkey you'd expect from a AAA open world game.

Still i liked it.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

it crazy how bad the swinging is too once you realize it's basically just a button press