Its actually insane to see how Sega turned what may be the best beat-em-up oat into a miserable slog.

My only problem with the American SOR3 is with the difficulty, enemies can drain your HP within a few seconds, and they usually circle around you so fast you can hit them.
This game is what Streets of Rage 3 should've been.

There's no bullshit, the control is amazing (something you wouldn't notice in sor3 because you spent most of your time playing getting knocked down), and, hot take, I fucking LOVE the soundtrack. It fits the visual style and tone of this game perfectly.

In my opinion, this is the definitive Streets game. The ambition paid off.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2024


14 days ago

I assume this was made by previous devs of the Streets franchise?

14 days ago

Yuzo Koshiro was a genius doing what he did for this OST and I forever stand by that, and Kawashima's contributions are some of the craziest shit to hit the system.

14 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Nope, this is actually the Japanese version of Streets of Rage 3. Just like Castlevania 3, the american version was made alot harder, but unlike C3, SOR3 was made so hard that its close to impossible. Its genuinely unbelievable how hard the american version is

14 days ago

Oh, interesting. Never knew there were two different names for the franchise, just like RE/BioHazard lol

14 days ago

@Vee So real, the OST is way too overhated.