4 Reviews liked by 4ctivepain

final fantasy 14 if it was cool and swag

Yeah this one is just straight up boring. Would rather play the other two it's pretty interesting because i really don't like them. This just lacks something i can't point out. It does nothing too bad like the other xenoblade games but does nothing good either.

World is a lot more boring than the other two and the characters didn't stick the landing. I don't really like furry human characters or whatever they're called. Just couldn't take anything serious anymore.

I really don't get the gameplay, like it just doesn't do anything for me. I just stand there and auto-attack. There is no trial and error, no figuring out bosses movesets and learning how to beat them, just auto-attacking waiting for the RNG to carry me. At least one thing i can say is improved is the map directions for quests. And thank god for the auto-running function so i can just look at my phone while waiting to reach my destination.

Anyways if i'm playing a video game i want the gameplay to be top notch and xenoblade series unfortunately lacks the most important aspect of a game.