some real "who gives a shit" tier Content set on base game locations with not interesting gameplay. even the most mechanically original segment, that levels you down so you have to sneak past enemies as you go up the tower, is effectively just a reprise of the level 60 limit break! the final boss cloning you is cute BUT the charm effect just destroys your run if you're using trusts so it's also poorly designed for soloing lol. no notes on the writing because it doesn't warrant any words on it, really. the intro cutscene misled me into thinking this could be interesting because of the freezing the world around you stuff and whatnot but it's super milquetoast, sub-vanilla questing from 2009

Reviewed on May 17, 2024


27 days ago

it's sub-vanilla because it has none of the attraction of slowly learning about your nation and makes you backtrack to old locations where you kill weak mobs waiting for the item to drop, do that 6 times with a 5 min long cutscene between the trios, the second of which has you trek more to spawn a NM that dies on 2 hits the three times. then you walk through locations youve already seen but have to grab markers on the ground aaaaqq

27 days ago

pretty bad

26 days ago

i tried the boss again and beat it with 20 health left lmfaoo im feeling so fucking blessed i couldnt bear the thought of doing the crawl through the tower a third time