unlimited isn't too much better than extra honestly, most attempts at more heavy-handed messaging feel a bit frail but it is better paced. That i will not dispute

the comedy actually lands most of the time, even the horny shit is funny however questionable it may be. the finales to both halves were way more affecting than i'd expected them to be and make the less interesting parts more than forgivable in retrospect. the final 2 or so hours of extra evoke this funny feeling only good high school media can evoke (even though they weren't even set in the school but it's a high school story overall you get my meaning.) it's silly, convenient etc but effective anyhow - same deal with the ending to unlimited which should come across as hamfisted (it is hamfisted lol they even flashback you moments that'd justify the notion every girl is into takeru) but it's quite clever in that it makes you choose the character you care about the most for the highest possible impact so i went to sleep with an aching heart thinking damn imagine if they didn't follow up on this and this was the ending period that'd been a bit heartbreaking but everyone and their moms loves alternative so
idk i like this way more than i "should" you know. but who cares art is subjective baby

i like most characters and va

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2021
