assassinations, co-op, and forge wont be in the game upon its release. but fear not, halo fans, as the series staple feature the "battle pass" will make it in on time.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2021


2 years ago

AJ is otw. Be ready.

2 years ago

As if they mattered at all?

2 years ago

after hundreds of millions of dollars and the longest dev time for a halo game, there is no reason why any features should be omitted. i wouldnt make excuses for trillion dollar companies releasing an unfinished, full-priced product.

2 years ago

i also didnt like this game but these are the stupidest fucking reasons to rate a game this low lmao. just play the game and decide if its fun

2 years ago

i did play the game. beat it too. gamers love to make excuses for unfinished games and then rate among us 10/10 it seems