Ok. Mom got me this game for 2012 xmas. I didn't even fucking knew what skyrim was. I heard about it, but what the fuck was skyrim? Idk. I played too much guitar hero at the time I literally didn't give a fuck for any other game. Until Skyrim came around and saved me from possible arthritis (I really played a lot of guitar hero). So that being said, Skyrim made me remember why I loved open-world games so much. Also it is an RPG you can play without the RPG mindset. You can be whatever the hell you want. You want to be a mage that wears heavy armor and has top notch stealth skills? Go for it man (that was actually me on my first run). I spent the whole 2013 playing this game, exploring it to the very end, and I found it very very rewarding. Sometimes I just find a really cool spot to chill in the game at night and look at the sky and how beautiful this game also was. Sometimes I put a bucket in the store clerk's head and robbed the store. FUN FACT: when I was starting the game for the very first time everyone was talking about the dragonborn, the one that comes and saves us from the dragons and shit, and I thought "Damn, I gotta find this dragonborn guy, he's gonna save us for sure". Then when I kill the first dragon and the dragon soul gets absorbed into me and I'm like WTF!? Then you can FUS, and I thought to myself "holy shit...................I'm the dragonborn". Truly, one of the most mind-blowing plot twists in gaming for me. I was really not expecting. LIKE I SAID I knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about skyrim before playing it. Turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time <3

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2020
