Having not played the PS1 original, Pac-Man World Re-Pac is a very fun 3D platformer that does a good job of bringing Pac-Man into the realm of 3D. Note for Nintendo Switch players, I recommend going into the settings and changing the resolution setting to Performance mode for a smooth, 60 fps gameplay feature.

Game setup is similar to early 3D platformers like Crash Bandicoot. You have a hub area, each specializing in a theme (ruins, factory, funhouse, etc.) each consisting of 3 levels and a boss level. Levels take on a linear 3D format with changing camera perspectives as levels go on. Pac-Man can pickup power pellets to throw at enemies, perform a Sonic-like dash and butt bounce on enemies or reach higher platforms. Switches, increasingly tricky platforming and light puzzles are scattered throughout every level. The challenge comes from finding all of the PACMAN letter across every level, which grants access to a timed bonus stage at the end where Pac-Man has to collect all the fruit.

A good bit of collectibles exist from health pickups to extra lives to fruit to coins. After completing a level, any coins found are used in a slot machine mini-game that grants high score bonuses and even extra lives. Levels even have mazes that act as re-imagined homages to the O.G. Pac-Man game, but with some traps to make mazes harder. Bosses are unique, either requiring you to combine your use of Pac-Man abilities to defeat them like in an old school 3D platformer or involving the game utilizing a classic Namco Museum title to take on a boss (A Galaxian boss and Pac-Man Rally-like Race for instance.)

At times, platforming can be frustrating with early 3D platformer jank being present - depth perception issues, more difficult stages popping early on, not being able to tell if the area below is a pit, etc.

Difficulty aside, these did not detract much from my enjoyment as Pac-Man World Re-Pac is a fun remake with lots of charm and enjoyment that makes me hopeful for a possible World 2 and 3 remake in the future.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
