Day cannot exist without night. The comforting dark of night exists to give rest to the day which we cherish. A view at night is incomplete without the same view illuminated by day, for they are two sides of the same coin.

You cannot experience the most involved gameplay in this era of Sonic without experiencing the most bullshit that can be put into a Sonic game, holy shit, I'm not even referring to the werehog.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2021


2 years ago

Misc. notes

Token collecting didn't bother me, I remained on pace in that regard for the whole play-through, never had to go replay a level just to collect tokens.

Endless Possibility is a high grade banger holy shit.

2 years ago

So how was Eggmanland?

There's some BS sections in that, but thematically, I feel like if any level deserves to be called the hardest, most grueling Sonic level, it's that one.