...What the fuck even is this game

Ok so, contrary to what seems to be a big issue to a lot of people, I do not DISLIKE what happened with this games story, I feel its a fine enough "finale" for the character and outside of a few cringe character moments the games writing works. Even then who knows how shit will develop if Kamiya actually makes more like he says he plans on (hopefully not taking almost 10 years AGAIN), but the gameplay is a whole different story.

I wouldn't really call it one step forwards, two steps back, as much as it is one forward, one back. Only one equippable weapon is lame, but the new transformation abilities they bring are sick. Integrating other characters playstyles into the plot is neat, particularly Jeannes, but learning how to use Viola efficiently is ROUGH and it doesn't help that you have to constantly swap between them. The climactic stage finales definitely FEEL fun to play but they can drag on for way too long, and while the level design breaking from the traditional European setting is nice the levels themselves can feel very gimmick ridden and a little drawn out at times, though the collectables are still hidden within the levels rather well and provide a nice distraction.

Without getting too into the situation the whole recasting situation left kind of a disappointing mark on the game as a whole. I don't really care too much for the drama but the fact it was so messy and both sides were somewhat at fault made it just uncomfortable. Regarding the new voice itself it works well, though I feel Jennifer Hale probably could've used the multiple universe situation as an excuse to redefine the character with a new voice that better fits her style of voice acting, similar to the Henry recasting situation from NMH3.

Even being the weakest of the trilogy in my opinion, I feel like this game still delivers another rewarding Bayo experience, though I guess after a 5 year wait from reveal to release it was kind of bound to disappoint in some areas.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
