Can't really judge it as a remake due to not having played the PS2 original, but for what it is it definitely feels like a modern Yakuza title.

The story still stands as one of the series best, despite its random forced interjections which the series had a problem with all the way up until 4 (and even leaked its way into Judgement a little), though its still not without its issues.

As a follow up to 0 the remake does fall somewhat flat, obviously as a REMAKE they couldn't make TOO many changes to undo the story of the original but for newer fans of the series (including myself), the content being basically cut in HALF compared to 0, most of the minigames being reskins of 0, and the upgrade system being FAR inferior to 0 can be quite underwhelming.

When maxxed out the games combat is arguably in the running for the best in the series, just being 0s combat with refined style switching and balance tweaks, which is why its a HUGE shame that the process of getting to that point sucks, and once you REACH the point there isn't exactly much to do with it. Majima Everywhere is conceptually one of the BEST additions to the whole series yet falls completely flat due to its somewhat rushed feeling implementation. When you encounter him in minigames or new fun situations is a fucking blast but the ENDLESS grinding of street fights gets so monotonous and painful, not to mention the lockoff points that require story progression which suck as well.

Substories are once again somewhat a mixed bag but I can't knock the game too much for that since, outside of 0 and 7, thats usually how they tend to be, although its worth noting that apparently several of them have been changed tonally to closer resemble the newer comedic tone rather than what they resembled in the original game, and while, again, I can't really speak for the game as a remake, I did notice that several of the substories did feel either rushed, bloated, or tonally inconsistent. Additionally for gameplay its worth noting that, much like 0, street fights in this game can be BRUTAL, but unlike 0 weapons are not given commonly, which in early game makes combat INFURIATING and in late game just makes it a chore, if your the kind of person who does all the side content when its available you should be fine but if you plan on rushing through the story keep this in mind because your gameplay experience WILL probably suffer for it.

Overall my time with Yakuza Kiwami was fairly alright, it definitely doesn't live up to the height of Yakuza 0, in fact I'd argue no game does until 5, which can be disappointing for new players, but I went in with a mindset that expected this so I wasn't too let down, though if I'm being honest I'm much more likely to just give the PS2 original a go if I'm ever in the mood to experience the entire series chronologically again.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
