It's a bad game that I really enjoyed despite that fact.

It's broken. There are loads of complaints about how it runs at 30fps, but it couldn't even do that on the XBSX. Regularly the audio would go to hell as it trys to sync up with it running slow.

The actual bits of "minigame" gameplay are awful. Shooting, sneaking, flying, it doesn't matter. The controls are knackered and you just have to hope that the section is easy enough to get through it.

The rest of the game is 50/50 on foot where you may get to use your tricorder or phaser, but a lot of the time it's just getting to the next slow-time action to open a door or snip a wire. Sometimes it's a more complicated puzzle, many work fine but are still busy work, and some don't make any bloody sense. It sounds terrible but it does actually help make you feel like you're doing something other than watching an 8 hour Star Trek episode.

And it's quite a good 8 hour long episode that kept me interested throughout and was well told jumping between the two protagonist, one officer and one lower deck, to get an overview of everything going on.

For a Star Trek nerd like me that would probably be enough, but there are moments of actual decision making that have to be made. It mightg all be smoke and mirrors but it feels like they all have some weight in how people react ot you, how the story progresses (slightly) and making your mark on the game.

I'd happily play another one of these if they just stop trying to make it a game and focus on what it's good at.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2023
