I think I love the atmosphere and the concept art WAY more than I care for the gameplay. It hasn't aged well in terms of level design and combat, because both are very frustrating. It's not really fun to traverse the big open plains and the many buildings with convenient ladders attached to them, because after the first hour or two it loses its novelty and the game does nothing unique or interesting with it at all. What you see in the first hour of the game, is what you'll see in the last hour of the game; with little innovation in the middle. So, basically, it becomes a little bit boring.
When each level shows me the big open plain with buildings, routing my journey for me, I have two simultaneous reactions: first of all, I'm in awe. I like the architecture and the atmosphere. I want to know more about this world and explore it deep and see how it ended up the way it did. Secondly, I'm filled with dread. Because I know I have to go through all of these big open spaces, and have monotonous fights with enemies that either will shot at your vitals in their first try or run into a wall headfirst and let you shoot them in the back. But one is overpowering the other one, and that's because the story of the game is also very dumb. It's so lacking in depth that the enjoyment of this worldbuilding and steampunk is dampened heavily, and since the gameplay isn't anything to write home about, it just fizzles every bit of joy from you slowly.
I hate that this game isn't much more than it is. There are good things in it. I really can't say how much I enjoyed the concept of it and how it looks, because it looks good. Not only in terms of graphics (which it does look good for a game that's 15 years old), but in terms of cohesion of style. I really want a RPG game in this world where I can explore it. But this is a shooter. It's a poor shooter too. The parkour and vertical travelling would've been great, if "Assassin's Creed" didn't come out two years before this. It just showcases the jank in this more when you compare the two. It does have some moments that "look cool", but it rarely has any moments that "feel cool".

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
