After 51.3 hours Sonic Frontiers is 100% completed. This is for Steam Achievements and In-Game progress. I would probably say it was closer to 42-45 hours as I did spend some time AFK due to work or other things going on. This game consists of 5 different open-world islands with a **** ton of collectibles to gather. The fight mechanics are actually pretty cool and it's not the same stale thing over and over again like most games do.

I will say that 100% completing the game wasn't that difficult. I'd consider it moderate just due to the amount of collectibles you need to get. Most of them are pretty straight forward, but at least 15% of the thousands of collectibles take a little brain power to get. Also some of the puzzles were surprisingly difficult.

Overall I really enjoyed the game. This was the first time Sonic went completely Open-World and they did it well. There wasn't really any empty space as there was always a collectible to gather somewhere. Who would have thought that an open-world souls-like Sonic game would work. Also has some of the best music in any Sonic Game! Love the subtle EDM/Metal transition. Easily one of my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog games.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
