Not me restarting the race if I fell behind like 3rd place. Super fun single player campaign.

Didn't really get how to play it when I was young, but had fun nonetheless.

An incredibly fun arcade boat racer. Still wish the franchise existed to this day.

In my opinion, one of the greatest DDR iterations in the entire series. I can still remember most of the set list off the top of my head. The amount of times I slipped on that plastic dance pad though is more than I'd like to admit.

The game that got me into Dynasty Warriors. Well, truthfully I didn't even know that it existed until this game. Unfortunately, I didn't play this game nearly as much as I should have.

A very different game that I thoroughly enjoyed. Flying around is just... Fun!

All of the Sonic games in one mega game plus redone and better music for all? Heck yeah!

Could have been one of the greatest games, but the horrid controls a bad camera ruined it for me.

It's hard to not be better than Enter the Dragonfly, but this is still bad.

Could never get into this game like I did with Return of the King

At least this was better than the Tag Team Racing game. Too bad it still isn't remotely as good as the original CTR

Playstation 2 is where the Crash Bandicoot franchise went in the wrong direction. This game doesn't even compare to the original CTR.

The actual GOAT of racing games. This game still to this day is unmatched in my opinion. My brothers and I still to this day will break out the PS2 just to play "tag" with each other. I still remember a lot of the cheat codes too for the game... "savethekids" "theCollector" "greenlantern" A core game in my gaming history.