People will complain that the original is better but most players dont own a 360 and will play this version. I havent played the original but from what ive heard, it just kinda sounds like people are mad that the game isnt absolute horseshit like it used to be. I had a great time with this game. Me personally, i like fair but challenging games and not bullshit haha fuck you games. Some of the complaints like less enemies that are tankier confuse me a bit. Action games are typically more fun when you arent swarmed by tons of dudes, if i wanted that, id play a musou game. The gore got taken out which sucks, and the levels where you arent ryu arent as fun but otherwise this is probably the new definitive way to play this game. The old one is console locked and will probably never see the light of day again.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023


29 days ago

love your coping skills.
“definitive way”LMFAOOOOOO

29 days ago

@tsubasa_ I mean it could be better but most people aren't going out of their way to emulate a xbox game or buy an xbox to play it. For now, this is how players will experience the game and its a perfectly fine and good game.

27 days ago

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27 days ago

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27 days ago

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