Excellent game, the writing is a notch above most JRPGs with a very likeable and interesting main cast of characters. The plot can be predictable at times but some of the twists that the story takes are surprising and keeps you excited about where the story is going.

The world design in Xenoblade chronicles is great, with as believable of a world as you can get when the entire game world is two giant titans. The soundtrack is excellent and while I prefer the original tracks for the most part, the remastered tracks are a nice change of pace.

Combat can take a bit of getting used to, but plays quite well once you're comfortable with it. There is a steep difficulty spike near the end of the game that was rather frustrating, so rather than grinding for hours to meet the level requirements of the end game I turned the game to casual difficulty and had no problem completing the remainder of the game. I would recommend anyone else do the same unless you really like grinding.

The game can feel bloated at times when you're doing side quests as many of them boil down to "go here and kill these monsters" or "collect x number of this item" however there are alot of side quests in this game that are quite fun, and allow you to influence the relationships between many of the npc's in the game's world.

The new epilogue "future connected" is a nice, light extension to the end of the game. The overall story of it is rather weak but the character writing is excellent, namely the developed relationship between Melia (one of the main game's party members) and someone from her past that isn't well fleshed out in the base game. It took me about 20 hours to complete the new content and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Overall an excellent game with a few clear issues, but Xenoblade chronicles comes highly recommended to any switch owner or any previous player on the wii who wants just a little bit more xenoblade in their life.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2020
