Platinum trophy earned in 40 hours.

The Legend of Dragoon is an all time classic. When I saw it was being added to the classic catalogue with trophy support, I knew I needed to pick it up. See, I grew up with this game and probably put hundreds of hours in as a kid. Not only is LoD one of my favorite ps1-era JRPGs, it's one of my favorite JRPGs of all time.

It's hard to explain what exactly makes this such a solid game - the visuals offer a unique blend of models on pre-rendered backgrounds, akin to Chrono Cross, the battle system is an interesting blend of turn based combat and... a rhythm game, and the music slaps. The plot, too, is noteworthy. It's memorable and has lors of creative twists, but the mediocre localization holds it down marginally. This one gripe aside, Legend of Dragoon is a game I think everybody should experience at least once. The platinum's also really easy to earn.


Reviewed on Mar 28, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Something I forgot to mention: the new rewind functionality makes the game much, much easier. If you mess up the rhythm combos easily (like I often do), you can always correct it with a rewind. This helps immensely with grinding them, too, since they need to be leveled!