As a game master of the original tabletop RPG game, Cyberpunk 2020, even before Cyberpunk 2077, I was always scared the game wouldn't do the setting - Night City - justice.

But now, three years later I can say this is a Masterpiece, a true love letter to Night City and everything we dreamt it would be, even if it needed 3 more years to actually get to that point.

It'll be hard to forget this game. The characters, the quests are so masterfully written. The direction is impeccable - Night City is about choosing the lesser evils, the "less bad" instead of the "good" outcomes because it's ruthless. It's about people trying to survive - or people chasing suicidal glory to feel alive. They got all of that perfectly.

I can't thank the developers enough for giving me the best adaptation one could ever get. They're the real chooms.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
