To me, this game is another Ubisoft title (I know that Sucker Punch made it) but with more care and a true combat, the game looks like a painting sometimes, really beautiful, especially if you change the hud options.

The combat is cool too, coming from fighting games and DMC, it's not very complicated but is fun to play, with good parry and dodge mechanics.

But what brings the game down to me is the campaign and the sidequests, aside from the mitical quests, everything is boring, the characters aren't that deep (except for Ishikawa, he is very well written), their relationships aren't developed very well and the missions aren't that interesting, always something like go there and fight, infiltrate that place or follow that guy, even when Jin has to face his changes nothing really have plot weight, it had so much potential but it was lost in safer, cheaper choices to be an acessible AAA game, to me it seems like the story and sidequests are there just to be a background, but that's just my opinion tho, feel free to disagree.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
