I was a full-blown fan of the PS1 Crash games back during that era. I remember the first game being hard as nails, but as a kid I still really enjoyed it. Well I must have had the patience of a saint back then, because playing the remake in this current age, there were some levels that made me want to go on a shooting spree!

So yeah, there's an issue with camera placement and certain perspectives causing misjudgement in the platforming. The game is brutal enough as it is, but add a camera that is sometimes not your friend and it can be needlessly rage-inducing. Also, holy shit are the boss battles bad. Like... bottom of the barrel bad. And they get worse the further you progress.

Otherwise, a very faithful, very conservative remake of one of the very first pioneers of 3D platforming. The fundamentals of the original have aged well, so when the game isn't making Dark Souls look like Katamari Damacy, it offers a satisfyingly tight and enjoyable platforming challenge. But you've got to be some kind of sadomasochist to get through the late-game levels.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
