Better than Elden Ring

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2022


2 years ago

Hi, long time lurker here, finally decided to ask Reddit about my problem. (Names changed) 1 (17F) have been dating Carl (18M) for roughly 5 months now. Everything has been going well except for one problem. Carl continues to make fun of me doing regular "woman things" (makeup, hair and skin care etc) by yelling "WOMAN MOMENT!" As loudly as acceptable in that setting. If I'm having difficulty finding a decent outfit (I have a lot of clothes) he will say it. If he sees me doing my makeup or taking it off it, it is a woman moment. When I go to my therapy session, it's a woman moment. I can hardly live my life without it being a "woman moment" I've asked him multiple times to stop, but he refuses. His excuse is that it's "ust a joke" and that I'm overreacting. It's driving me crazy, I just want him to stop. What do I do? How can I make him stop? Edit/update: Thank you for comments, I'm going to talk to him on Thursday again and then l'Il decide if this relationship is right for me. Thank you for all of your advice!

2 years ago

Los españoles no saben apreciar los videojuegos

2 years ago

Los bla bla no saben apreciar bla bla