Enjoying the game so far, has a lot of charm. Only point of frustration for me so far has been how much dialogue there is between our Catagonist and the fellow animals.

After playing through the game 2.5 times for the Platinum trophy. I can say Stellar Blade is good game. Clear high points in the music, combat, and I'd also want to reward it's art. Naytiba designs are all over the place but some stand above the others. The world is interesting, however our vehicle to navigate it is kinda boring. EVE is all hands no charisma. I'm assuming that was the writer's intent that she doesn't really have too much going on up there however the highlights of the game are when you see a glimmer of personality in her. This game splits genre hairs as it isn't quite full on character action but also not a Souls game either. That said, the tropes from both genres blend together well and will keep the player on their toes.