This is probably one of my least favorite episodes, but that's not to say its not without tons of merit. There are so many effective, relatable, poignant scenes in this. Its just that once you've sort of figured out where its driving at, it kind of dragged for me. I also want to complain a little bit about the epitaph, because I feel like the epitaph is one of the only things in this story that is against its themes. A lot of Umineko is having faith in the author that the mystery is solvable and if you never give up you should be able to find the truth and understand it. The epitaph is dangled over you like it is solvable, but largely it is not. It is possible but only if you're insane and you are a crack addict, bonus points if you are a native Japanese speaker, though even if you were I don't see how you're supposed to figure out even where to start until it is revealed in this episode. I appreciate how they made it clear in this episode that in the context of the story its mostly meant to be impossible, but the scenes that come before become a lot more frustrating to me, which again is exactly what this game is trying to condemn.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2022
