Unironically, kind of a good time. This game was a shockingly fun time for me I think it's kind of a mess narratively but the entire Fabula Nova Crystallis series kind of is. And I think this time it kind of works for it. The character writing is improved here with each character clearly having gone through a lot of trauma since the original game and evolving as people. Characters like Snow and Lightning have improved so much here as characters by doubling down on their rivalry it works wonders. This game more than anything just feels like a really somber and depressing ode to these characters and it doubles down on the aspects that people saw as flaws. The plot of the actual story is kind of a mess but the dynamics between the main characters really sells it. The gameplay is also really fun, feeling more like a blend of character action and RPG than final fantasy has ever before. I really love the garb system and how much customization you're given to just one character. Really makes you feel like a powerhouse and it's fun as fuck All in all I just shockingly liked this game a lot. I wish that the other games in this series were this much fun. I can honestly see myself revisiting it. There's something novel about a series that covers the beginning of a new world all the way to armageddon. 6/10

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2022
