Another incredible CRPG from Obsdian, this time with a focus on player agency through choices and dialog. The reactivity in this game is insane, and the sheer variety of potential paths to the ending is worth the price of admission alone. And that's a good thing, because while this game's combat system is more punchy and accessible than something like Pillars of Eternity, it also lacks some of the variety and customization. The narrative really shines; it's stuffed with love-to-hate-them villains from top to bottom, and you'll have the opportunity to explore more shades of grey than most RPGs allow. As an ruthless Fatebinder -- essentially a wandering judge, jury and executioner -- you'll have the opportunity to lean in and go full Judge Dredd, search for a path to redemption, or occupy one of the many layers in-between. A clever and masterful RPG.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024
