Loved playing this & Return of The King with my brother growing up. For a hack & slash title the gameplay has aged pretty well all things considered. Each character has their own playstyle to suit your preferences, and a variety combo attacks to play around with. The game also just has great aesthetics being drawn from the LOTR movies. Only thing this game doesn't really have compared to games like GOW & DMC is good bossfights, all of the levels are pretty linear with waves of basic enemies throughout. The game does have a few cool bonuses at the end but not much compared to other games. Also if you don't prioritize spending EXP on certain upgrades early (extra health, Bane moves, and sword/bow damage buffs), you're gonna have a VERY HARD time on the Helm's Deep levels. Not bad but Return of The King is easily the more refined game and lack of co-op is dissapointing.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
