(Added content & QOL improvements are welcome, but the original issues still exist as described below)

Before there was the mess that Kingdom Hearts has become today, there was this game. The store is a simple good vs. evil story, & ironically enough plays out like a typical Disney movie. The main cast is charming & the game oozes personality throughout it's music & visuals. While all of this sounds great on paper, unfortunatley in practice the gameplay shows it's age hard. Like many late 90's & Y2K 3D games, the platforming is very rough and the camera system gets in the way many times. This especially becomes a pain during horde encounter & boss fights when you're trying to time your dodges & blocks. If you want to get through this game do so on a lower difficulty so you don't get pissed at the jank, if you're looking for a challenege the gameplay in future titles is much better.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
