Teyon has once again crafted the best piece of media of a beloved classic in decades, even since the original film. This is a densely crafted, brutal first person shooter that puts you into the role of the big man himself in a way that feels earned. You feel like an unstoppable force, but are always on the edge of survival as you mow down dozens of creeps at a time.

The gameplay is a miracle, distilling the essence of the visual tactility and density of the first film. It feels very akin to FEAR which is the biggest compliment I could give it. Every piece of the environment explodes with each shot, melons pop and viscera splatters across every inch of space. You grab dudes off of motorcycles as they pass you then throw their ragdoll body 50 feet, then pick up the bike itself and chuck it at the next goon, creating beautifully emergent moments enveloped in flame. I finished the game in what felt like a very brief 15 hours and I loved pretty much every second.

My main gripes come from enemy variety, some frustrating boss fights, and same-y environments and level design. That aside this is one of the best games of the year and I can't wait to see what Teyon does next.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023


5 months ago

I don't know how you're supposed to do that first ED-209 fight for "real" because it's such an insane damage sponge. I just kept a box between me and it and shot it about 8 million times with the pistol.

5 months ago

It's a bad boss fight! Best way to deal damage is throwing explosives, but often it blows them up in your hands. I had to run all around and land every explosive throw and then hide behind pillars and such to cheese the rest of it.

5 months ago

@AgnoSoul yeah the same thing happened to me. There's a pallet of boxes and stuff that you can stay behind where you can see and shoot it but it cant shoot you. Kinda similar to the way to defeat those giant-ass Terminators in Resistance, actually.

At least in that fight in the convention center at the end they give you a bunch of rocket launchers and whatnot scattered around, but I think at that point they actually did less DPS than my jacked-up auto-9.

5 months ago

@LarryDavis yeah that last one was a more proper fight. I think I could've done a lot more with the Auto-9 but I didn't tinker with it enough. It's crazy how many of the boards they give you for that.