Probably can't state anything that hasn't been repeated over a million times already, I'm once again late to the party as i've taken almost two years to finally play this masterpiece.

The atmosphere and music is breathtaking and fits the lore and feeling of the game like a glove, at first everything feels eerie and gives the perfect feeling of a divine era crumbling down each day, where many characters live their miserable eternal lives below the leafs of the Erdtree.

Of course you need to pay attention, read items, think after some npc conversations and more in order to fully understand the lore (which will take me and the mayority of the playerbase more than one playthrough) but the payback is worth it if you are into that. Many interesting characters take a role in this story, like players of a contest to become the elden lord, each and every one of them feels unique and harbor their own motivations and it is very rewarding how each encounter and interaction gives you a glimpse into them, till you finally understand them. Learning the lore feels many times like hunting for secrets, piecing the pieces together, waiting for the ocasional plot twist or huge discovery.

Voice acting is straight up fantastic, most of the npc questlines I've played were really interesting and honestly didnt seem as cryptic as in previous titles from fromsoftware (perhaps I was just paying more attention)

It tackles many different and interesting themes and presents some of the more memorable bosses in all fromsoftware games.

I have never been that much of a fan of the combat, each day I feel more tired of attack and roll type of gameplay, but even so the gameplay has been overall enjoyable.

I was very skeptic about it being an open world at first, but it has been done almost to perfection, the exploration in this game is a real wonder, and a few complains about the last boss which was still a memorable encounter.

If anything at the moment the one thing I can complain about at the moment is how repetitive many of the optional dungeons feel.

The game is brilliant from start to finish, for different reasons but still brilliant. Starting with amazing exploration and atmosphere that molds into something truly ominous and epic in the second part of the game.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
