Ehhh when it first came out, I dug it but since then this game has just been kinda forgettable. The main story lacks the tension of IV and the characters while well performed just lack the depth I expect from Rockstar. Honestly, as grand as 5 is especially back when it first released, it's still a game that feels incredibly hollow. The map is huge but when most of it is just a boring ass desert with nothing to see or do, it lessens the wow factor the game is going for. IV worked because while it's map was no doubt smaller than the other games, it felt a lot more tight & thoughtful with how everything was laid out. V just feels like the aim was to go as big as possible and while that certainly has its advantages, it just didn't hit me like IV did overall.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2021


3 years ago

Oh yeah, I talked about the size of the map before.
There used to be specific places that online players spawned and gathered at. There used to be so much more action and interaction because of how tightly packed everything was. It was great

It's not as focused in this game, but it's got its merits, in its own way

3 years ago

@Javier I'll never forget the IV matches where everyone met at the airport and fired RPGs at each other. Good times :))