If this was just a side story from Telltale to tide us over before the next main season, it probably would've fine. Sadly, this just feels like a weird frankenstein creation thanks to the bizarre insertion of Clementine. Reducing her to a side character was just a huge mistake and when all is said & done, this season just kinda feels unneeded. The characters are pretty one note and the time you spend with Clementine just feels really off. She has nothing to do here and the way Telltale handles the season 2 endings is absolutely shocking. They had the opportunity to push their narrative design to the absolute limit but they just more interested in telling a story that just doesn't need to be told. As a side story, it's fine at most and as a season 3, it's extremely underwhelming and a strong example of how soulless Telltale became in the midst of their success.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2021
