This was more like it! After being disappointed by Michonne and A New Frontier when they first released, I kinda wrote off the Telltale Walking Dead games and didn't bother to give the final season a look. I was admittedly curious as I did want to know how Clementine's story would end but I never took the plunge until now.

From the moment this starts, I was pretty shocked at how different this game was. It's kinda sad how Telltale after years of making the same game finally went out of business when they making their most ambitious project yet. This is still in the same Telltale formula for sure but making the game feel more 3D in it's camera angles and gameplay being a little more than mere quick time events really helped this one feel more intense and varied.

The story itself is pretty strong too! Episode 3 especially is fantastic. Bringing some of the writers back from season 1 definitely shows as there's a tightness in the pacing of the game here. Some of these episodes are easily some of Telltale's longest yet they don't feel it. A lot happens here but it feels controlled & confident.

While I was admittedly very disappointed with the climax, I couldn't help but love this season anyway. It no doubt has flaws but after the mediocrity that this series endured from Telltale for a couple of years, it was refreshing to see a season of this game so full of life and confidence.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2021
