An exceptional co-op shooter.

Helldivers II is a great game. Personally, I like singleplayer narrative-driven games but this game is wonderful. Its lore and humour is so funny yet wholly patriotic. A great combo for any co-op shooter.

The gameplay is fantastic. Every gun feels unique and you have the ability to shoot in 3rd person or 1st person. I love the way the game does recoil and its ammo system as it doesn’t feel like a generic copy and paste from other shooters but actually innovating to make gunplay more realistic, strategic and fun. Plus, it has this D&D inspired storytelling where your victories in missions impact the overall war against the automatons (robots) and terminids (bugs) on the galactic map. Additionally, it’s progression system is really nice even if you didn’t buy the deluxe edition or season pass.

Also, the graphics are jaw-dropping especially for a multiplayer game. The shadows, lighting, smoke and everything all look like its from a movie. Every planet feels unique and has its own effects that impact the gameplay. The game design of the ships, helldivers and enemies are top-tier as it borrows the best elements from things like Warhammer 40k but puts it in its own lore.

The only downside to Helldivers II is that the developers didn’t anticipate its popularity. This means that servers can be at capacity when launching into the game. Also, quick matchmaking and matchmaking in general is an issue but it is known to the developers who are working on improving and fixing it.

Overall, Helldivers II sets a new benchmark of quality and ethics for co-op shooters but multiplayer live service games in general. I highly recommend this.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
