I never had the delusion this was going to be anything but another Hellblade game, like others thinking this was going to be some kind of God of War renewal for this franchise, so I was happy with what we got.

A frankly stunning videogame with probably the best graphical fidelity I have seen, with a more focused combat experience that feels visceral, desperate and raw for every swing of the sword you make. Alongside this, the audio design absolutely carries this game with just another showing of great voice acting and incredible performance by Melina Juergens.

However, just like the first game, some of the puzzles absolutely kill the pacing and they often come after long sections of walking. Likewise, while I enjoyed the more bombastic story this time around (with some incredible setpieces), the ending is way too abrupt and seemingly comes out of nowhere, which is surprising for a game of this short duration.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
