- Another milestone with lots of historic value, especially in terms of its connection to the SaGa series
- Lovingly recreated in the Pixel Remaster versions with great soundtrack and visuals (except for the font and weird screen tearing)
- A map and autosave function that will eliminate most of the frustration
- An actual quest with actual characters and a distinct dramatic quality
- A leveling system that was daring for its time and still has many interesting ideas
- Secrets and side quests that make the world feel alive and reward players' curiosity
- An actual open world that introduces Chocobos to the series

- Mostly opaque leveling system that never becomes any clearer throughout the game, with apparently random damage rolls that render strategic battles impossible
- Awful dungeon designs that bait players with empty rooms and punish their curiosity with random encounters
- Beginner's loot and items even in the final dungeon
- Higher encounter rate than in FFI that will either bore the hell out of you or make you scream in anger
- The incredibly disappointing quest for finding Ultima
- A final boss fight that is so badly designed that it becomes practically impossible if your party is developed with physical attacks in mind. Seriously, without one particular MISSABLE weapon, it becomes a huge chore and epitomizes all grievances directed at the game throughout the decades

Magic Moment: The first meeting with series mascot Cid and the Chocobo.

Verdict: Not recommended for newcomers, even veterans should probably skip this one. Longer and tougher than FFI, but not as rewarding. Certainly don't replay.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Don't forget a certain character death that can make you lose great late game equipment, forcing you to retake a whole dungeon if you didn't knew about it.