Verdict (or TL;DR, whatever you want to call it.): 4/5. It's a good game, a lot of fun if it's your type of fighting game. Even if not, it's still fun, and the community is surprisingly chill, unlike some other fighting game communities. Cough cough - GG Strive - cough cough.

The Story: 4/5. It's Tekken, the fast and furious of fighting games. Of course, it will one-up the previous title, but unlike Fast & Furious, it one-upped itself while keeping the story actually fun and extra as all hell.

Graphics: 4/5. Not much of a difference except for better-rendered character models and better lighting, and I'm honestly a fan of that. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.

Online: 3/5. I don't know if it's an issue only for me, but the lag is often very high. Some of my friends from other countries say that it's not as much of an issue where they live, so there is that, I guess.

Director: 5/5. Harada saw Denuvo and said, "Fuck that, we don't need it." All the fun is online anyway since this is a fighting game. He didn't repeat the mistake of Tekken 7. The dude is as metal as it gets. Go follow his Twitter (or is it called X now?).

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
