It's funny, I actually enjoyed this game on launch and for quite a while afterwards but as they released patches to add more stuff and overhaul the systems I've enjoyed it less and less. I'm actually kind of sad that the game I liked as just a 'chill, fly around, and explore space' game is pretty much gone now.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2020

1 Comment

2 years ago

There's (another) update for No Man's Sky on the horizon and it's got me thinking about the game again so I'm adding a little addendum to my review here.

I know people really like what No Man's Sky has become but I honestly find the updates to be kind of depressing.

When that game launched, yes, it was a mess with a lot to criticize but the core ideas in it were lofty and good: a game where you explore and experience the vastness of space. That you move from one place to another, never tethered to any location because you don't need to be. You only need to occasionally stop to collect what resources you need to continue your journey. It wasn't perfect, the whole "this has never been explored before so you get to name it!" has its own issues with regards to colonialism but some of the central ideas of it were actually kind of majestic.

But now? Now it's become a game about colonizing worlds, subjugating the wildlife, ruling over the aliens that already live there, and defending what you've claimed as your new home from dangerous outsiders. It's become just another survival game colonialism simulator but with a sci-fi coat of paint. And that sucks. It could've been this relatively unique thing in a genre that seems so bland to me but they've constantly steered away from that possibility and slowly homogenized to be in line with everything else.