I feel as if I like this game more than most did. It doesn't reach the same heights as it's predecessor, but it really is a solid experience. The gameplay is much smoother and faster, though it does sacrifice the more strategic element New Order had. The story is...out there. It puts more focus on it's protagonist and his mindset with rebelling against Nazi fascism which is very compelling, but it isn't as prominent as I feel it should have been. Still great though. It's worth going through for the insanity it throws you into. I think the idea of the revolution going to Nazi occupied America is pretty cool, and the game does mix Americana culture, Nazi symbols, and the drug fueled counterculture to interesting effect, though I feel they don't utilize it enough. The characters that return are still great, the new ones I'm fairly mixed on, but they're still fun. Overall, I'd play this after New Order if you just want to see where the narrative goes.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023
