It has been a while since I played my last stalker mod, so forgive me if I fail to compare it with stuff like Anomaly or any of the other story mods. Anyway, the game is just your classic stalker, you don't have to do anything too crazy besides the usual firefights, artifact harvesting and exploration.
The story was pretty good, but at times it's somewhat hard to follow due to the translation being not as good as it could be.
It's also hard to tell when you have a choice, I had to repeat the final battle a couple of times and I found out there are like 3 endings. This is not bad at all but the problem here is that I have no idea if I got the best ending or not, and I would like to find out.
Finally some parts do feel like padding, which I don't mind since they are just as good as the rest. Just keep in mind that even if it feels like it's starting to drag it's worth playing to completion.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024
