This game is great, but for the price I would've wanted more than a 3 hour campaign that only gets harder because of more enemies and not because of real evolution in their design. That's the only real valid criticism from me- which basically boils down to "I wanted more". I wish some of the attacks were more obvious, right now all I really did was react- which is fine too if that's only what you wanted me to do. I wanted more environmental stuff, I wanted some more attacks (some kind of air kick or maybe the jump-on-head thing from Sekiro) and I think the item pick-up system was a bit finicky at times. Nitpicks, that's what I have for this game.

I love the style, I love the combat and the story is simple and fun. There are a couple of problems here, but as a package right now- for a cheaper price- this is amazing and TRULY just all-out fun, even if it did get pretty hard in the end.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
