Swollen to Bursting is something that feels straight out of 2014, and yet something that I feel like I could only truly appreciate in the current moment. When I replay this game in 5 years, I wonder if I'll see it the same way I see games like Undertale now, where it's impossible to look through the goofiness to see the beautiful story within.

For now though, while there are some wonderfully surreal areas, and sneakily one of the most unique and high effort soundtracks I've ever heard (seriously, Google some of the vocal songs from this ost, 'A good thing about broken glass' is genuinely magical at the end), it's the core story about somebody struggling to get through their mundane day that I truly felt like I connected to. This is a game I truly loved, and yet one that I feel like is hard to blindly recommend.

It's free though so I'm going to anyway.

Game #8 of 2024, January 27th

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
