Hylics 2 is the best game - the best game that I've still been somewhat disappointed by.

To start with the positives, the visuals and the music are both as great as any game I've ever played. The surf rock that drones while you explore this 3d clay world creates an experience that's impossible to not get lost in. Every screenshots a painting, and every song is a banger.

The gameplay too, while not revolutionary, is still above-average for a turn based RPG. Nothing crazy here, but still enough strategy to keep the game constantly evolving.

So if the music is 10/10, the visuals are a 10/10, and the gameplay is probably a solid 8/10 - then why was I still disappointed? Well, more so than every other indie I've ever loved this much, this game just didn't make me think. There's just not a moment here that made me really think anything other than 'oh, cool.' It's just something that I kept waiting for, and it''s something that never came.

It's still a top-notch visual and auditory experience though, just accompanied by a standard story, with some funny, but nothing more writing.

Game #10 of 2024, February 6th

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
