I'm not a 'horror guy' - but I still loved Signalis more than I ever thought I could.

The gameplay consists of perfect survival horror, to the point where it almost becomes metroidvania-esque in just how fun it is to clear the map. Sure, there are some fun puzzles, but nothing is more satisfying than the feeling of making it past the horrific enemies in your way, and, against all odds, conquering each area. This is only amplified by the visuals and music that accompany you, which create an experience that's hard to put down, and a 7 hour game that flies by, as you simply need to make it to the next area to see what's there for you. It's a gameplay loop that's deeply addicting, something that feeds into the narrative.

And, oh boy, what a narrative it is. Signalis is the type of game where, even if you create a theory that makes it make sense in your head, you will never be able to explain it to someone else. It's a game where themes conquer all, as character moments are linked together by a general apathy towards the part of the world that tear us apart, and love towards the part of the world that brings us together.

Addicting gameplay, a deeply impactful story, terrific visuals and music (Cigerette Wife!?!?) - Signalis is a game that transcends genres. There are some games, (although probably only a handful), that I personally like more than Signalis, but there is no game I recommend more that everybody play.

Game #11 of 2024, February 9th

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
